Customer Care & Technical Service -Daikin DACE

Starostlivosť o zákazníkov a technický servis

V tomto tíme budete zohrávať dôležitú úlohu pri zabezpečovaní spokojnosti zákazníkov a riešení problémov súvisiacich s produktmi alebo službami. Pri vybavovaní otázok, sťažností a spätnej väzby od zákazníkov budete aktívne poskytovať technickú podporu a pomoc zákazníkom a riešiť ich problémy s empatiou a profesionalitou. Okrem toho budete ponúkať riešenia a odstraňovať problémy s cieľom zabezpečiť pozitívnu skúsenosť zákazníkov.

Na tejto pozícii potrebujeme tímových hráčov so silnými komunikačnými zručnosťami, schopnosťou riešiť problémy a prístupom zameraným na zákazníka, ktorí budú poskytovať vynikajúce služby a udržiavať pozitívny imidž značky. Budete mať kľúčový význam pri podpore lojality a spokojnosti zákazníkov, ako aj pri prispievaní k celkovému úspechu nášho podniku.

Preskúmajte naše pracovné príležitosti v oblasti starostlivosti o zákazníkov a technického servisu nižšie!

Výsledky vyhľadávania "". Strana 1 z 2, výsledky 1 až 25 z 48
Názov Sort descending Zariadenie Oddelenie Lokalita
Ψυκτικός Τεχνικός
Ψυκτικός Τεχνικός Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Teknisk support inom kyla/värme
Teknisk support inom kyla/värme Daikin Sweden Customer Care and Technical Service Solna, Stockholm, SE
Daikin Sweden Customer Care and Technical Service Solna, Stockholm, SE
Technischer Trainer (m/w/d) Heiztechnik - Großraum Berlin
Technischer Trainer (m/w/d) Heiztechnik - Großraum Berlin Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Technicien SAV F/H (Toulouse)
Technicien SAV F/H (Toulouse) Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Labege Cedex, FR
Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Labege Cedex, FR
Technicien SAV F/H (Savoie - Haute-Savoie)
Technicien SAV F/H (Savoie - Haute-Savoie) Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Bron Cedex, 69, FR
Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Bron Cedex, 69, FR
Technicien SAV F/H (Paris)
Technicien SAV F/H (Paris) Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Nanterre, FR
Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Nanterre, FR
Technicien SAV F/H (Nanterre)
Technicien SAV F/H (Nanterre) Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Nanterre, FR
Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Nanterre, FR
Technicien SAV (Nanterre)
Technicien SAV (Nanterre) Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Nanterre, FR
Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Nanterre, FR
Technicien SAV (Lyon)
Technicien SAV (Lyon) Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Bron Cedex, 69, FR
Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Bron Cedex, 69, FR
Technicien de maintenance HVAC
Technicien de maintenance HVAC Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
Technicien Chiller F/H (Nanterre)
Technicien Chiller F/H (Nanterre) Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Nanterre, FR
Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Nanterre, FR
Technicien Applied F/H (Marseille)
Technicien Applied F/H (Marseille) Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Aix En Provence, FR
Daikin France Customer Care and Technical Service Aix En Provence, FR
Technician Daikin Middle East Customer Care and Technical Service QA
Daikin Middle East Customer Care and Technical Service QA
Technician Daikin Middle East Customer Care and Technical Service QA
Daikin Middle East Customer Care and Technical Service QA
Szerviztechnikus Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Budapest, HU
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Budapest, HU
Szerviz Támogató Mérnök (Service Support Engineer)
Szerviz Támogató Mérnök (Service Support Engineer) Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Budapest, HU
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Budapest, HU
Szerviz koordinátor
Szerviz koordinátor Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Budapest, HU
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Budapest, HU
Servisni tehničar (m/ž)
Servisni tehničar (m/ž) Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Croatia, HR
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Croatia, HR
Servicetechniker:in Kälte & Klima (w/m/d)
Servicetechniker:in Kälte & Klima (w/m/d) Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service AT
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service AT
Servicetechniker:in Kälte & Klima (m/w/d)
Servicetechniker:in Kälte & Klima (m/w/d) Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service AT
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service AT
Servicetechniker Klima-/Heiztechnik (m/w/d) Ulm, Memmingen und Landsberg am Lech
Servicetechniker Klima-/Heiztechnik (m/w/d) Ulm, Memmingen und Landsberg am Lech Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Region West
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Region West Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Region Süd
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Region Süd Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Region Ost
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Region Ost Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Region Nord
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Region Nord Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE