Customer Care & Technical Services - Daikin DACE
Briga o kupcima i tehnička podrška
U ovom timu igrat ćete ključnu ulogu u osiguravanju zadovoljstva kupaca i rješavanju problema povezanih s proizvodima ili uslugama. Obrađujući upite kupaca, pritužbe i povratne informacije, aktivno ćete pružati tehničku podršku i pomoć korisnicima te rješavati brige kupaca s empatijom i profesionalizmom. Osim toga nudit ćete rješenja i otklanjati probleme kako biste osigurali pozitivno korisničko iskustvo.
Na ovoj poziciji potrebni su nam timski igrači s izraženim komunikacijskim vještinama, usmjerenost na rješavanje problema s fokusom na kupca kako bismo pružili izvrsnu uslugu i održali pozitivan imidž Daikin brenda. Bit ćete ključni u poticanju lojalnosti i zadovoljstva kupaca, kao i doprinosu cjelokupnom uspjehu našeg poslovanja.
Naziv posla | Tvrtka |
Odjel ![]() |
Mjesto | |
Controls Field Service Technician
Daikin Greece
Customer Care and Technical Service
Athens, Athens, GR
Servisni tehničar (m/ž)
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe
Customer Care and Technical Service
Croatia, HR
Műszaki előkészítő gyakornok (fűtéstechnika)
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe
Customer Care and Technical Service
Budapest, HU
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Heiz- und/oder Klimatechnik - Region Stuttgart
Daikin Germany
Customer Care and Technical Service
Stuttgart, BW, DE
+ još1…
Technicien de maintenance HVAC
Daikin Belgium
Customer Care and Technical Service
Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Heiz- und/oder Klimatechnik - Region Berlin
Daikin Germany
Customer Care and Technical Service
Berlin, BE, DE
+ još1…
Servicetechniker:in Kälte & Klima (m/w/d)
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe
Customer Care and Technical Service
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Heiz- und/oder Klimatechnik - Region Schleswig-Holstein
Daikin Germany
Customer Care and Technical Service
Hamburg, HH, DE
+ još1…
Service Office Coordinator
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe
Customer Care and Technical Service
Zagreb, HR
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Heiz- und/oder Klimatechnik - Region Frankfurt
Daikin Germany
Customer Care and Technical Service
+ još1…
Servicetechniker (m/w/d) Heiz- und/oder Klimatechnik - Region Düsseldorf
Daikin Germany
Customer Care and Technical Service
Bochum, NW, DE
+ još1…
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Utrecht - Flevoland
Daikin Netherlands
Customer Care and Technical Service
Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Service Specialist BiH-Sarajevo (m/ž)
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe
Customer Care and Technical Service
Zagreb, HR
+ još1…
Helpdeskmedewerker Technical Support (airco's, warmtepompen, VRV's)
Daikin Netherlands
Customer Care and Technical Service
Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Customer Service Specialist - Spare Parts
Daikin Europe Business Support
Customer Care and Technical Service
Warsaw, PL