Customer Care & Technical Services - Daikin DACE
Briga o kupcima i tehnička podrška
U ovom timu igrat ćete ključnu ulogu u osiguravanju zadovoljstva kupaca i rješavanju problema povezanih s proizvodima ili uslugama. Obrađujući upite kupaca, pritužbe i povratne informacije, aktivno ćete pružati tehničku podršku i pomoć korisnicima te rješavati brige kupaca s empatijom i profesionalizmom. Osim toga nudit ćete rješenja i otklanjati probleme kako biste osigurali pozitivno korisničko iskustvo.
Na ovoj poziciji potrebni su nam timski igrači s izraženim komunikacijskim vještinama, usmjerenost na rješavanje problema s fokusom na kupca kako bismo pružili izvrsnu uslugu i održali pozitivan imidž Daikin brenda. Bit ćete ključni u poticanju lojalnosti i zadovoljstva kupaca, kao i doprinosu cjelokupnom uspjehu našeg poslovanja.
Naziv posla ![]() |
Tvrtka | Odjel | Mjesto | |
Service Specialist BiH-Sarajevo (m/ž)
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe
Customer Care and Technical Service
Zagreb, HR
+ još1…
Service Office Coordinator
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe
Customer Care and Technical Service
Zagreb, HR
Műszaki előkészítő gyakornok (fűtéstechnika)
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe
Customer Care and Technical Service
Budapest, HU
Junior Procurement Specialist
Daikin Europe Business Support
Customer Care and Technical Service
Warsaw, PL
HVAC Operations Supervisor (Industrial) - Office Ghent
Daikin Belgium
Customer Care and Technical Service
Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
HVAC Field Technieker (heating) - LIMBURG/ANTWERPEN
Daikin Belgium
Customer Care and Technical Service
Herentals, Antwerpen, BE
HVAC field Technician (Industrial) - Namur/Liège
Daikin Belgium
Customer Care and Technical Service
Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Industrial) - Gent/Antwerpen
Daikin Belgium
Customer Care and Technical Service
Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - WEST-VLAANDEREN
Daikin Belgium
Customer Care and Technical Service
Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - BRUSSELS
Daikin Belgium
Customer Care and Technical Service
Wavre, Waals-Brabant, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - BRUSSELS
Daikin Belgium
Customer Care and Technical Service
Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
Helpdeskmedewerker Technical Support (airco's, warmtepompen, VRV's)
Daikin Netherlands
Customer Care and Technical Service
Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Zeeland - Zuid-Holland
Daikin Netherlands
Customer Care and Technical Service
Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Utrecht - Flevoland
Daikin Netherlands
Customer Care and Technical Service
Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Zuid-Holland - Utrecht
Daikin Netherlands
Customer Care and Technical Service
Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Noord-Holland
Daikin Netherlands
Customer Care and Technical Service
Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Limburg - Oost-BrabantZuid-Holland - Utrecht
Daikin Netherlands
Customer Care and Technical Service
Capelle aan den IJssel, NL