Customer Care & Technical Services -Daikin DACE

Obsługa Klienta i Serwis Techniczny

W tym zespole będziesz odgrywać istotną rolę w budowaniu satysfakcji klienta i rozwiązywaniu problemów związanych z produktami lub usługami. Zajmując się zapytaniami, zgłoszeniami i opiniami będziesz aktywnie zapewniać wsparcie techniczne i pomoc klientom oraz rozwiązywać problemy z empatią i profesjonalizmem. Poza tym będziesz proponować rozwiązania, które pozwolą zadbać o pozytywne wrażenia klienta.

Na tym stanowisku potrzebujemy graczy zespołowych z silnymi umiejętnościami komunikacyjnymi, umiejętnościami rozwiązywania problemów i podejściem zorientowanym na klienta, aby zapewnić doskonałą obsługę i utrzymać pozytywny wizerunek marki. Będziesz mieć kluczowe znaczenie dla budowania lojalności i zadowolenia klientów, a także przyczyniania się do ogólnego sukcesu naszej firmy.

Zapoznaj się z naszymi ofertami pracy w dziale Obsługi Klienta i Serwisu Technicznego poniżej!

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Apprentice Technician
Apprentice Technician Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Thessaloniki, 54, GR
Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Thessaloniki, 54, GR
Controls Field Service Technician
Controls Field Service Technician Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Customer Service Specialist - Spare Parts
Customer Service Specialist - Spare Parts Daikin Europe Business Support Customer Care and Technical Service Warsaw, PL
Daikin Europe Business Support Customer Care and Technical Service Warsaw, PL
Disponent:in im Kundendienst (w/m/d)
Disponent:in im Kundendienst (w/m/d) Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Vienna, AT
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Vienna, AT
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Limburg - Noord-Brabant
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Limburg - Noord-Brabant Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Limburg - Oost-BrabantZuid-Holland - Utrecht
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Limburg - Oost-BrabantZuid-Holland - Utrecht Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Noord-Holland
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Noord-Holland Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Zuid-Holland - Utrecht
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Zuid-Holland - Utrecht Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Utrecht - Flevoland
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Utrecht - Flevoland Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Zeeland - Zuid-Holland
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Zeeland - Zuid-Holland Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Technician
Field Service Technician Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Helpdeskmedewerker Technical Support (airco's, warmtepompen, VRV's)
Helpdeskmedewerker Technical Support (airco's, warmtepompen, VRV's) Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - BRUSSELS
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - BRUSSELS Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Waals-Brabant, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Waals-Brabant, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - BRUSSELS
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - BRUSSELS Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - WEST-VLAANDEREN
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - WEST-VLAANDEREN Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Industrial) - Gent/Antwerpen
HVAC Field Technician (Industrial) - Gent/Antwerpen Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
HVAC field Technician (Industrial) - Namur/Liège
HVAC field Technician (Industrial) - Namur/Liège Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
HVAC Field Technieker (heating) - LIMBURG/ANTWERPEN
HVAC Field Technieker (heating) - LIMBURG/ANTWERPEN Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Herentals, Antwerpen, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Herentals, Antwerpen, BE
HVAC Operations Supervisor (Industrial) - Office Ghent
HVAC Operations Supervisor (Industrial) - Office Ghent Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Junior Procurement Specialist
Junior Procurement Specialist Daikin Europe Business Support Customer Care and Technical Service Warsaw, PL
Daikin Europe Business Support Customer Care and Technical Service Warsaw, PL
Műszaki előkészítő gyakornok (fűtéstechnika)
Műszaki előkészítő gyakornok (fűtéstechnika) Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Budapest, HU
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Budapest, HU
Onderhoudstechnieker Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Waals-Brabant, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Waals-Brabant, BE
Planner Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Projects Coordinator
Projects Coordinator Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Projektleiter (m/w/d) HLKK-Bereich - Turnkey
Projektleiter (m/w/d) HLKK-Bereich - Turnkey Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE