Customer Care & Technical Service - Daikin DACE

Péče o zákazníka a technický servis

V tomto týmu budete hrát důležitou úlohu při zajišťování spokojenosti zákazníků a při řešení problémů souvisejících s produkty nebo službami. Vyřizováním dotazů, stížností zákazníků a jejich zpětné vazby budete aktivně poskytovat technickou podporu a pomoc zákazníkům a řešit jejich problémy s empatií a profesionalitou. Kromě toho budete nabízet řešení a odstraňovat problémy zákazníků s cílem zajištění pozitivní zákaznické zkušenosti. 

Na této pozici potřebujeme týmové hráče se silnými komunikačními schopnostmi, schopnostmi řešit problémy a zákaznicky orientovaným přístupem, kteří budou poskytovat vynikající služby a udržovat pozitivní image značky. Budete mít klíčový význam při podpoře loajality a spokojenosti zákazníků, stejně jako přispívat k celkovému úspěchu našeho podnikání.​

Prozkoumejte níže naše pracovní příležitosti v oblasti péče o zákazníka a technického servisu!

Výsledky hledání pro "". Stránka 2 z 3, výsledky 26 až 50 z 55
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Nové nastavení
Service Specialist BiH-Sarajevo (m/ž)
Service Specialist BiH-Sarajevo (m/ž) Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Zagreb, HR +1 další(ch)…
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Zagreb, HR +1 další(ch)…
Service Solution Engineer
Service Solution Engineer Daikin Portugal Customer Care and Technical Service Paço D'Arcos, PT
Daikin Portugal Customer Care and Technical Service Paço D'Arcos, PT
Service Solution Engineer
Service Solution Engineer Daikin Portugal Customer Care and Technical Service Paço D'Arcos, PT
Daikin Portugal Customer Care and Technical Service Paço D'Arcos, PT
Service Planning Officer
Service Planning Officer Daikin Sweden Customer Care and Technical Service Solna, Stockholm, SE
Daikin Sweden Customer Care and Technical Service Solna, Stockholm, SE
Service Office Coordinator
Service Office Coordinator Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Zagreb, HR
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Zagreb, HR
Projektleiter (m/w/d) HLKK-Bereich - Turnkey
Projektleiter (m/w/d) HLKK-Bereich - Turnkey Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Daikin Germany Customer Care and Technical Service DE
Projects Coordinator
Projects Coordinator Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Planner Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Onderhoudstechnieker Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Waals-Brabant, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Waals-Brabant, BE
Műszaki előkészítő gyakornok (fűtéstechnika)
Műszaki előkészítő gyakornok (fűtéstechnika) Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Budapest, HU
Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe Customer Care and Technical Service Budapest, HU
Junior Procurement Specialist
Junior Procurement Specialist Daikin Europe Business Support Customer Care and Technical Service Warsaw, PL
Daikin Europe Business Support Customer Care and Technical Service Warsaw, PL
HVAC Operations Supervisor (Industrial) - Office Ghent
HVAC Operations Supervisor (Industrial) - Office Ghent Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
HVAC Field Technieker (heating) - LIMBURG/ANTWERPEN
HVAC Field Technieker (heating) - LIMBURG/ANTWERPEN Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Herentals, Antwerpen, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Herentals, Antwerpen, BE
HVAC field Technician (Industrial) - Namur/Liège
HVAC field Technician (Industrial) - Namur/Liège Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Industrial) - Gent/Antwerpen
HVAC Field Technician (Industrial) - Gent/Antwerpen Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - WEST-VLAANDEREN
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - WEST-VLAANDEREN Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - BRUSSELS
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - BRUSSELS Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Waals-Brabant, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Waals-Brabant, BE
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - BRUSSELS
HVAC Field Technician (Heating) - BRUSSELS Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
Daikin Belgium Customer Care and Technical Service Wavre, Brabant wallon, BE
Helpdeskmedewerker Technical Support (airco's, warmtepompen, VRV's)
Helpdeskmedewerker Technical Support (airco's, warmtepompen, VRV's) Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Technician
Field Service Technician Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Daikin Greece Customer Care and Technical Service Athens, Athens, GR
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Zeeland - Zuid-Holland
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Zeeland - Zuid-Holland Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Utrecht - Flevoland
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel, regio Utrecht - Flevoland Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Zuid-Holland - Utrecht
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Zuid-Holland - Utrecht Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Noord-Holland
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Noord-Holland Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Limburg - Oost-BrabantZuid-Holland - Utrecht
Field Service Engineer Commercieel/Industrieel regio Limburg - Oost-BrabantZuid-Holland - Utrecht Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL
Daikin Netherlands Customer Care and Technical Service Capelle aan den IJssel, NL